The pandemic has put so many parts of the work experience under a microscope, and the culture of the company is no exception. It is critically important to our performance and the fulfillment we get—or don’t get—from our work.

When we were present in the workplace pre-Covid, culture was more apparent. Culture is more palpable in person. But now, since many of us work from home, culture can be more difficult to discern, and you’ll need to take an intentional approach to understand whether it’s a match for you—whether you’re working in your current role and re-committing or interviewing for a new opportunity and deciding whether an organization is right for you.

The key to company culture is match—there are certainly some things that are non-negotiable for a healthy culture—but much of it is in the eye of the beholder. Culture must align with the market and the outcomes a company is trying to accomplish, and it must also be a fit for employees. One colleague’s heaven could be another colleague’s hell—based on each of our unique needs.

How do you know if you’re in the best-fit culture? What are the signals of culture you should pay attention to—or ask about—if you’re thinking of joining a new company? What are the indicators of your current culture? Here are seven ways to determine culture.


One of the first things to look for in your culture—or a potential new one—is direction.

  • The course. Successful cultures have strong vision, mission, values and clear guidance from leaders about where they’re going and how they’ll get there. There is room for participation, but also clarity about the company’s path forward. Is there plenty of transparency in terms of information you can access? Do you sense a bright future for the company? Is it one you want to be part of?
  • Measurements. Pay attention to how work is evaluated. Does the company measure what matters most or are they caught in the minutia? Also consider your personal view: Do the measurements align with the way you want to work? For example, if bonuses are paid based on team performance, and you thrive on working alone, you may get frustrated.
  • Leadership. Leaders provide clear signals about culture because they have been rewarded (hired or promoted) for the ways they interact and drive results. In general, do they demonstrate the kinds of behaviors you value? Even if you don’t agree with every single leader every time, overall, are they people whom you respect and want to follow?
  • External view. Look for how the company stays connected to customers and the market. Does the organization stay up to date on what competitors are doing, how the market is shifting and what customers need? Successful companies will always be sensing the external environment, so they can respond and guide their people effectively.

Decision Making

Within an organization, decisions are constant. They can be tiny—whether to bring up a point in a meeting—or significant—how to handle the market shift based on the pandemic. But large or small, decision-making practices are a lens on culture.

  • Speed. How fast can the company pivot? How carefully does the company consider changes? In what ways does the company balance the need for agility with the need for deliberate action? The most successful cultures will be fast and adaptable, without trading off care or consideration for key variables affecting outcomes.
  • Uncertainty. How does the company handle ambiguity? It’s rare to have 100% certainty in making decisions, and chances are, if you are 100% certain, you may have missed an opportunity. Is the company able to move forward with the right amount of evidence and regularly make considered, yet bold strategic choices?
  • Process. Look for the extent to which the company is guided by policies, practices and processes. Ideally, there are enough guidelines to make things efficient, but not so many rules that they become limiting (think: ball and chain). Does the company struggle to do things right the first time and then have to backtrack? Or does the company suffer from analysis paralysis? Cultures are most successful when they have processes that support performance—doing things right the first time—and avoiding the trap of inaction based on the search for perfection.
  • Participation. Watch how people are brought into decision making. Are the decisions made at the top and informed by input and ideas from the organization? Are people empowered to make decisions within their area of expertise or at their level in the hierarchy? Is information shared so people can make the best decisions possible?


The most effective cultures aren’t characterized by a lack of conflict. Instead, they welcome differences of opinion and manage them well. This dynamic is important to consider.

  • Disagreements. Listen for how the company handles conflict. Do conflicts stay focused on task or issues, not on people or personalities? Are conflicts handled with appropriate transparency, rather than with hidden agendas or back channels? Even when perspectives are different, do people have a basic respect for each other?
  • New ideas. Does the company invite differences of opinion to learn and pursue the best solution? Or does it squelch dissention? As the saying goes, “A boat that isn’t going anywhere, doesn’t make any waves.” Novel suggestions can be unsettling to existing processes, but they are critical for a company to learn and advance. A company that welcomes different or difficult input has the mark of a great culture.

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When you join a company, you’ll be tasked with a certain set of responsibilities. Ideally, you’ll also see a career path and plenty of possibility with the company. Development is a key element here.

  • Formal learning. Watch to see if the company has formal learning programs available. Is there succession planning and plenty of growth opportunities that are company-guided and self-guided? These are hallmarks of a culture where you’re more likely to find fulfillment—one where you can develop your current talents and new skills as well.
  • Informal development. Look for a company that embeds learning into its work approaches. Are co-workers sharing information and tips? Is there a bent toward openness so if you’re struggling, you can ask for help and coaching?
  • The network. Does the company encourage you to develop your network and your social capital, so you can ask for advice and input? Are there opportunities to have a mentor—formal or informal?


When you’re looking for a cultural match in your, it’s important to see people who look like you and those who don’t.

  • Colleagues. Watch for how much diversity you see. Are there people from all kinds of backgrounds, orientations and capabilities? Cultures are stronger when they have more diversity of people and thought. Also watch for how people are showing up: Are they defensive or always feeling the need to prove themselves? Or are they able to fully contribute based on their own uniqueness?
  • Work-life. Are people open about their lives outside of work—sharing small details because they feel safe? Are people able to flex their schedules or work patterns so they can fully contribute at work and have a full life as well?
  • Relationships. What is the nature of people’s relationships with each other? Are they supportive? Are they having fun, enjoying their work and upbeat? Do they socialize over lunch or outside of work? While the most effective way people form relationships is through working on tasks together (not just through social time), you can discern a lot about a culture by the extent to which people enjoy being together.


You are at or joining a company because of the work you’ll do, so how is it performed?

  • The work. Consider how work gets done and whether there is support for a range of work. How much are people collaborating and does everyone have a voice (even if everyone doesn’t have a vote)? How much time do people have to focus? Do people have support to socialize or rejuvenate during the work day? Do people have the tools and technology they need to get work done effectively—wherever they’re working?
  • The team. Watch for the ways teams work together. Do members share common goals and pull together in the same direction to get work done (rather than competing against each other). Do team members share burdens and also successes? You’ll experience culture through the experience of your team, so be sure to understand whether teams support members, provide feedback and bring out the best in each other.
  • Place. While you may be working from home at the moment, the workplace will also be an element of your experience. If you haven’t already seen it, ask for a tour and watch for whether it’s welcoming, stimulating and supportive of a range of work. Is it a place you want to be for hours of your life? Workplaces should be invigorating, compelling and also safe—so look for cultures that value the place as part of a holistic experience.
  • Accountability and recognition. Effective cultures are places where people perform brilliantly and are recognized and rewarded for great work. In addition, constructive cultures hold people accountable—realizing that people want to work with others who are committed and contributing.


Finally, pay attention to how the company deals with difficulty. The pandemic has been among the most stressful and challenging times ever. Hard times reflect character in individuals, and the same is true of companies. If the company is surviving, adapting and serving customers, employees and stakeholders during this tough period, it is demonstrating a positive culture in action.

Company culture is defined as the norms, values and assumptions within an organization and “the way things get done around here.” It is the most important competitive advantage for companies because it attracts people, it shapes behavior and it retains talent. You’ll join a company based on a great culture, and it will affect whether you’re fulfilled while you’re there—and whether you stay. These are critical reasons to make culture a point of focus and attention as you choose to commit—or recommit.

Source Forbes

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