Remember when the internet was laughing at how people came back to their phones only to see that they’d gotten system notifications that someone was trying to unlock their phones… that secret someone being their pets?
Well, pets have now apparently figured out how smart device cameras work and have started taking selfies, as this has happened again to one Chinese woman who returned to her smart device to find a bunch of selfies. It’s probably because people take too many selfies while their pets are watching. Probably.
It’s becoming a bit of a common sight to see animals taking selfies on their owner’s smart devices

Image credit: xiaoaierniu
So, this Chinese woman recently noticed that there was a bunch of cat hair on her iPad. She is the owner of two cats, one of which is a dark tabby and the other one—a white fluff ball. Since the hair was white, it was pretty obvious who the culprit was.
Well, it’s fine, cats shed. It’s normal. What is out of the ordinary, however, is when the woman turned on her iPad to see the ridiculous amount of selfies said fluff ball left on the device.
A Chinese student recently noticed a bunch of cat hair on her iPad—a normal sight for cat owners

Image credit: xiaoaierniu
We’re not joking. The 7-month old cat named Er Niu was apparently finagling with the device and had heaps upon heaps of selfies taken of him whilst he was posing for the camera. And by posing, we mean staring at it and occasionally grooming himself.
Reportedly, the owner of the two cats is an international student in Australia and the owner of two rescue cats: Er Niu and Xiao Ai. The discovery of the photos was shared on the Chinese video site Douyin and soon became a hit on the internet.
What was out of the ordinary, however, was the dozens upon dozens of her cat’s selfies on it as well

Image credit: xiaoaierniu
Needless to say, people loved it, with over 25,000 internauts liking the video on the social video media site. It is still a good question as to how Er Niu learned this and who he was going to send the selfies to anyway, but you gotta admit, that’s one smart cat.
OK, the selfies are probably an accident, but even if it’s so, it’s still adorable.
Er Niu, the 7 month old fluff ball, took ‘selfies’ of himself staring at the camera and, of course, grooming

Image credit: xiaoaierniu
As the internet has already proven, animals taking selfies are really a thing, with one of the more recent cases being this monkey that managed to steal a guy’s phone and started taking selfies as well as some pretty impressive shots of the local flora.
And, of course, we can’t forget about Manny the cat who also “took” a bunch of selfies with his cat and dog friends..
The footage soon found itself on the internet and went viral, getting over 25k likes

Image credit: xiaoaierniu
Oh, and there was also that one time when another monkey named Naruto took a beautiful selfie after stealing a photographer’s camera and there was this whole legal dispute on who was the copyright holder.
Here’s what the internet had to say about Er Niu and his ‘selfies’

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