Not quite sure how your job is classified? 

For most roles, it all comes down to the number of hours you work. Every type of contract will have its advantages, but knowing the difference between full-time and part-time is essential to finding the perfect fit for your schedule. 

To help you get started, here’s everything you need to know about full-time hours and part-time hours – and how to work out which one is right for you.

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Bartender is one of the most popular part-time job

What are full-time hours?

Most employers generally agree that full-time work is anything around 35 hours and above

However, there’s actually no official amount of hours that classify a job as being full-time, and it could drop as low as 30 hours per week for some roles (which is why this is often considered the minimum). 

This may also vary depending on the industry you work in. So it’s always important to check with your employer to find out what they see as being full-time. 

How many hours is part-time?

Part-time hours can be anywhere from a few hours a week, right up to 35 hours. 

As with full-time hours, there’s no official classification. But no matter how many hours you work, employers must treat you the same as a full-time employee. 

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What are my rights as a part-time worker?

Part-time workers have all the same rights as a full-time worker, meaning that they can’t be treated less favourably than their colleagues – even if they work fewer hours.

That means that part-time staff should be treated the same for:

  • Rates of pay (including redundancy and sick pay) 
  • Holiday and leave (including maternity/paternity leave etc.)
  • Pension entitlement
  • Training and career development opportunities
  • Promotion opportunities

Some factors, such as overtime pay or health insurance, may differ for part-time workers. Similarly, certain bonuses may be offered ‘pro rata’ (meaning they’re given in proportion to the hours you work). 

 This should be covered in your employment contract, or during the onboarding process.

What are the most hours you can work?

The maximum number of hours you can work per week is 48 hours (averaged over a period of 17 weeks). 

However, there are some exceptions to this. For example, you can choose to ‘opt out’ of the weekly limit, if you want to work more. 

Some jobs may also require you to exceed the maximum number of working hours. Examples include:

  • The armed forces
  • The emergency services 
  • Some security and surveillance positions
  • Sea fishing 
  • Other positions which may require 24-hour staffing 

The maximum amount will also vary if you’re under 18.
